The following summer, Mike Pugh decided to go back to school.  We auditioned about 150 people without finding a suitable replacement.  The summer was ending.  The Trio had bookings coming up, and we still had nobody to take Mike's place.  Our discouragement ended when we finally came across Joe Frazier.

In 1962, the Trio toured South America and it was on this tour, in Mexico City, that I met the Texan who was eventually to become my wife. Her name was Clare Foran, who was a student at Mexico City College on leave from the University of Texas.

Through the satirical numbers like "Lizzie Borden," "John Birch Society" and "Twelve Days of Christmas," we found that we express ideas that we were all growing into, ideas that we feld were needed. We presented many viewpoints, but the purpose behind the Chad Mitchell Trio was, and is, primarily to entertain.

I was the fortunate one, because of all of its members, I was in the Trio the longest - some 10 years.  When Chad left in 1965 to pursue a solo career, John Denver took his place and performed with the Mitchell Trio for 3 years.  When Joe left, David Boise became our third voice, and when I left the group in 1968, Michael Johnson took over for me.

Life after the Trio offered me three distinct but related careers.  Along with a good friend and special artist's representative, Tom Mallow, I started a company in New York City called American Theater Productions.  We booked Broadway shows on "bus and truck" tours throughout the country.  Four years later, Clare and I relocated our family back to the Inland Pacific Northwest and I went to work for Spokane's International World's Fair, called Expo '74.

As Director of Performing and Visual Arts for the World's Fair, I was responsible for booking all of the entertainment for this extraordinary six month event.  Upon the closing of the World's Fair in November of 1974, the City of Spokane asked me to stay and manage Spokane's new Opera House, the new Convention Complex, the Coliseum and the Stadium.  I managed those facilities for 28 years, retiring in 2003.

Today, Clare and I admire our three adult children and enjoy four grandchildren.  Lydia lives in London, England, and works for Fox Sports International.  Justin is Executive Director of the Clark County Events Center in Vancouver, Washington.  His wife Tonya is a licensed realtor and adorable, red-headed five year old Joshua keeps them both running continuously.  Gerry and his wife Vonnie, live in Spokane, Washington, where both are practicing attorneys.  They have 3 fabulous children: Michael, 6, Josie, 5 and Tommy, 3 - dynamos all.